We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. 2 Corinthians 4:7

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Dear Offended Christians,

Please boycott Starbucks this holiday season.  Don't continue to support Starbucks by buying their drinks and giving them the fake name of "Merry Christmas" because their holiday cups don't show enough "Christmas" spirit.  Just go get your coffee elsewhere.

BEHOLD! The ombre red cup of Satan himself,
here to ruin your Christmas spirit!
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s what the world thinks about us Christians right now:  http://www.salon.com/2015/11/07/merrychristmasstarbucks_watch_the_absurd_war_on_christmas_call_to_arms_over_red_coffee_cups/

So…why am I asking you to refrain from your peppermint mochas?

Because the over-worked baristas don’t need your “Merry Christmas” crap.  Those people who SERVE you the drink you ordered—they didn’t choose the cups, and they can’t change a thing.  They can’t complain to the management about customers harassing them.  They NEED their jobs, especially around the holidays, so they have to put up with your self-entitled hooey because your cup isn’t as pretty as you think it should be.
designs from the past four years

Because here’s the truth:  Starbucks cups NEVER SAID “MERRY CHRISTMAS” before!  If you think Starbucks is making their cups less “Christian” by removing the ornaments, snowflakes, polar bears, trees, and other “holiday” related items, then perhaps you need a refresher course on the true meaning of Christmas.

***Reminder:  Christmas is a holiday where we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  This event took place in a warm, desert environment where snowmen, reindeer, and polar bears don't exactly thrive. Might I suggest this inspirational video, The True Meaning of Christmas, from one of my all-time favorite philosophers?

So, how is toting around a red cup bearing the image of a reindeer supporting the “Christianized” version of the holidays?  Aren’t we actually supporting some version of a Nordic Christmas?  I mean, what percentage of Christians actually get snow for Christmas?  Or have money for ornaments and trees?  Or have reindeer prancing in their yards?  Seriously, WHAT DO THESE THINGS HAVE TO DO WITH JESUS? 

Do you think this cup
offends people in the tropics?
Maybe they need their year
 for a cup design.
But our "red cup" behavior would be like Paul going into a secular shop, and instead of saying, “Hey, let’s eat the bacon!"(which is what he did, by the way); he says, “These pigs offend me.  This store should not sell pigs.  I’m a card-carrying, sword-toting Roman citizen, and I know my rights!”

So let’s be rational about this.  You either accept the business practices of these secular businesses, and you enter into their domain with the intent of being light in darkness.  Or, just stay away.  Christianity doesn’t need you to make our job any harder than it already is.  We don’t need angry attitudes; turning hard-working individuals sour against our God. 

If you want your cup to say “Merry Christmas”, write it yourself.  If you can afford a Toffee Sprinkle Soy Mocha Skinny Caramel Latte or whatever it is you are buying, then you can afford to buy yourself a freaking Sharpie and decorate your own cup.  Hey, it may even be therapeutic.  Coloring for adults is all the rage right now.  You may even start a trend.  Leave Sharpies at your local Starbucks with a note inviting others to decorate their own cups any way they please.  They might just draw a palm tree on a beach, which may not be “Christmas” appropriate for you, but I assure you that a large portion of the world will find it looks just like THEIR Christmas.

Please, let’s spend this season showing people WHY we celebrate Christmas.  Why don’t we remember, when we order our Gingerbread Latte, that Jesus DIED FOR the person whipping our milk to the proper temperature?  That Jesus would want us to treat that HUMAN with compassion?  

Seriously, it's NEVER a good idea to mess with people
who are serving you things you plan to ingest.
During a busy holiday season, when everyone is cranky and the lines are long, HOW YOU TREAT YOUR BARISTA SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOUR FAITH WALK.  In God’s eyes, we are all just as special, just as loved, and just as important.  Look in their eyes.  Smile.  Say “Please” and “Thank You”.  Tell them you appreciate their work.  Say “Merry Christmas” if you want to, but if they are Jewish or Atheist or something else, still wish them a pleasant time with family and friends.  I mean, shouldn’t we STILL WANT THAT for them? Let's not shove our words into their faces without being willing to walk in relationship with them.  Let's not try to hurt or anger or trick people whose lives are closed books to us, who may be having a very rough day and just need a touch of kindness.

Let’s make this season a “Be Nice to your Barista” Christmas and find amazing ways to bless those who serve us with a smile every day. Let's remember that the people behind the counter are the ones God calls us to love and they are NOT the ones He calls us to demean, degrade, or dismiss.  They are His children, and if they don't know Him, He wants us to show them what He's really like.  So, would God or Jesus walk into a Starbucks and demand the barista write "Merry Christmas" on his cup?  I know what my God would do.

And to my favorite baristas...thank you for your smiles, your willingness to make my favorite specialty drink which takes extra time (even though YOU got me hooked on it in the first place!), for always making me feel welcome.  YOU BRIGHTEN MY DAY.